Zaurus Geek @
For the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 linux-powered personal mobile tool
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I got my Zaurus SL-5500 in May of 2002. Before that I had never owned a PDA, though I had seen them occasionally. My company does website design and application development. My office environment consists of RedHat Linux and Windows 2000 servers, Windows 2000 and XP workstations and Mac OS 9 and OS X workstations. I spend most of my time on Mac OS X, but feel just as comfortable working on any of the systems here; both from a user and an administrator standpoint.


There are already plenty of sites dedicated to Zaurus development and software lists. My intention is a bit different. You see, I'm already spending considerable time lurking in the #zaurus channel of, browsing the various discussion and developer forums, and keeping up with the latest hardware and software releases for my own personal interest. So, this site will be the result of my "finds" throughout any given day or week.


Besides accounts of my own experiences with the Zaurus, you will find how-to's and other tips and tricks for getting the most out of your handheld. Another noteworthy item is that this is probably one of the few Zaurus-centric sites that was designed to look good and be usable on your Zaurus screen.

Don't have a Zaurus to try? Borrow my mock Zaurus.

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The maintainer of this site, Darien Kruss, can be reached by email to: darien [at]